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Four Major Truck Accidents (in a Month) at Same Spot (Finally) Raises Questions


The Emergency Management Director of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has publicly stated that four truck accidents within a month at the same location on an area roadway is problematic. “When you have that many truck accidents, it would lead me to believe that it’s not all driver error,” Director Darren Player remarked. Although injuries resulted from these incidents, no truck accident referenced resulted in any fatalities.

The most recent incident involved an Amazon truck accident that occurred on Highway 97 in Lancaster County, near the Kershaw County Line. The Amazon truck ended up flipped upside down in a water-filled ditch running alongside the highway.

Thick fog did exist at the time of the accident. However, investigators have not stated that weather was the primary or even a contributing cause of the most recent accident.

This truck accident sent the driver to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The roadway was closed for several hours in order to cleanup after the incident.

As mentioned, there have been four accidents at the same location during the past month. With that noted, three of these incidents occurred with five days.

According to officials, during the referenced five-day period of time, a trash truck and an Aldi’s truck ended up involved in accidents at the same location. Indeed, the circumstances surrounding the trash truck accident and the Aldi’s truck accident both overturned in the same manner was the most recent incident involving the Amazon truck.

A few weeks earlier, yet another truck crash occurred involving a big rig. The semi-truck accident at the same location on the highway resulted in bleach and other toxic chemicals being released onto the highway. Officials have been a bit unclear as to whether any of the hazardous chemicals contaminated the waterway that runs next to the highway.

The number of accidents at the location in question has (finally) caught the attention of officials. With that said, beyond the past month time period, there have been numerous other crashes at the site, including semi-truck accidents. These have included log trucks and flatbed trucks transporting glass. The Emergency Management Director Darren Player noted that he “can’t tell you how many log trucks have flipped over into (the ditch).”

Director Player went on to explain that he believed “bad road design” is at the heart of the problem. He explained that he has come to conclude that the roadway is “banked the wrong way and needs to be fixed.”

The recurring truck accidents at the specific location on the Pennsylvania roadway illustrates how various factors can contribute to a vehicle crash. In this case, the contention that a roadway design flaw is at play is a reasonable conclusion. Other commonplace factors underpinning truck accidents may include:

  • Distracted driver
  • Impaired driver
  • Fatigued driver
  • Mechanical breakdown

In many instances, a truck accident occurs as the result of a number of different reasons. A skilled truck accident lawyer is in the best position to ascertain the underlying causes of this type of crash. By doing so in a complete, comprehensive manner, a truck accident attorney is able to identify all of the parties responsible for the incident.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a semi-truck accident, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is available to answer your questions and protect your legal rights. You can connect with a Doan Law Firm truck accident lawyer by calling (800) 349-0000. Our truck accident injury hotline is in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. This includes all major holidays.

A nationwide law firm, we can schedule an initial consultation with a truck accident lawyer at any one of our 40 offices located from coast to coast in the United States. In addition, we can arrange a case evaluation for you online as well. There is never a charge and there is no obligation for a truck accident initial consultation and case evaluation.

The Doan Law Firm makes has an attorney fee guarantee for you. We will never charge you an attorney fee unless we win your case for you. Our legal team will fight tirelessly to obtain justice for you or your loved one.