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Emergency Personnel Respond to La Porte LyondellBasell Chemical Plant Accident


Potential “Mass Casualty Event” Suggested as a Result of La Porte LyondellBasell Chemical Plant Accident

Information is sketchy as a yet unknown number of emergency crews have responded to what has been described as a chemical release of some sort at the La Porte LyondellBasell chemical plant located at 1515 Miller Cut-Off Road. There are some early and thus far unconfirmed reports circulating that whatever is happening at the LaPorte LyondellBasell chemical plant can be classified as a “mass casualty event.” It is important to underscore that this is early and incomplete information coming from the area. In addition, technically speaking, a “mass casualty event” in the United States is defined as an incident in which four or more people have been injured or killed.

What is known specifically is that a La Porte LyondellBasell chemical plant accident has occurred. Some sort of chemical has been released or is being released at the La Porte LyondellBasell on Tuesday evening. While a seemingly hazardous chemical has been released at the plant, as of mid-evening on Tuesday the company itself has released no information about what is occurring at the facility.

LaPorte CAER, or Community Awareness Emergency Response, has issued an extremely brief statement that a “medical incident” has occurred as a result of whatever LaPorte LyondellBasell chemical plant accident is happening. Officials from the Atascocita Fire Department, among the emergency responders at the scene, have confirmed a hazardous chemical release of some type has occurred.

As of 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the La Porte Office of Emergency Management tweeted that impact to the surrounding community is not to be expected. No reasons why that conclusion has been reached has been provided.

The statement from Emergency Management, together with all other statements issued thus far, have not addressed what chemical or chemicals have been released as a result of the LaPorte LyondellBasell chemical plant accident. Similarly, no officials have addressed who or how many people inside the facility may have been injured as a result of whatever has occurred at the chemical plant. All agencies involved in the situation as of 9:30 p.m. Tuesday are indicating that they are trying to obtain more information “at this time.”

The reference to “mass casualty incident” is reinforced by the fact that an undetermined number of emergency medical personnel have arrived at the scene. With that noted, also as of half past nine on Tuesday night, evidently no ambulances have yet left the grounds of the facility. While that might mean that all injured personnel were treated at the scene, it is also indicative of a more ominous situation. In the end, as the event unfolds during the early hours, confusion continues to rein supreme.

As a company, LyondellBasell manufactures volatile chemicals that include:

  • Ethylene
  • Propylene
  • Polyolefins
  • Oxyfuels

These chemicals, together with their component parts, can present health hazards. There is no information yet available as to what precisely is being manufactured at the LyondellBasell in LaPorte currently. That information should also be forthcoming relatively soon, at least it is expected to be available in the more immediate future.

If you or a loved one have questions about the situation unfolding outside Houston, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is available about the clock at (832) 835-0000. A La Porte LyondellBasell chemical plant accident lawyer from the firm can assist you with any questions or concerns about the developing situation.

A nationwide law practice headquartered in Houston, our firm is located at:

Doan Law Firm

LaPorte LyondellBasell Chemical Plant Accident Lawyer

1 Riverway

Suite 2500

Houston, Texas 77056

(832) 835-0000
