A freight elevator in a Brooklyn warehouse began to tumble downward in an uncontrolled manner with about 25 people and an undisclosed amount of IT equipment onboard. The emergency braking system did not operate properly, although it did finally kick in in what was moments before a catastrophic collapse very well may have occurred at the bottom of the elevator shaft. A total of five people were injured in the Brooklyn elevator accident.
Two police officers are included among the injured individuals. The police officers evidently were passengers on the elevator at the time of the accident. A myriad of questions is outstanding at this time. The cause of the accident and related issues are not under the New York City Department of Buildings.
Brooklyn Elevator Accident Occurred in Sunset Park
The elevator accident occurred in a section of Brooklyn known as Sunset Park Industry City. While the area is home to a variety of commercial buildings, the building in which the elevator collapse occurred recently has been renovated to include offices. Only lately have the offices started to become occupied.
The significant amount of IT equipment in the elevator at the time of the accident indicates that at least some of the passengers in the car were assisting in the move-in process of a new building tenant. With that said, nothing significant has been verified about the people and equipment in the elevator at the time of the crash.
People Onboard at the Time of Sunset Park Industry City Elevator Accident
A wide range of people with broadly varying occupations were onboard the lift at the time of the accident. According to early reports from the scene, the 25 people onboard the elevator at the time of the accident included:
- Civilians
- Members of the New York Police Department
- Members of the U.S Marshal’s Office
Included among early reports from the site of the Brooklyn elevator crash is speculative information that the people in the car all worked somewhere in the building. The identities of the people involved in the elevator accident have not yet been released.
Uncertainty about Injuries from the Accident
As with so many things associated with this Brooklyn elevator accident, there is a considerable amount of uncertainty about how many people were injured and the nature and extent of those injuries. The total number of people injured is moving like shifting sands. With that said, at this time we do know that at least one police officer sustained back injuries. His current state technically is not known at this time. However, his condition has never been publicly announced. It is thought that he likely has already been discharged from the hospital.
One point fairly can be made in the aftermath of the Brooklyn elevator accident. Had the emergency brake not ultimately engaged, the nature and extent of the injuries would have been far more severe.
Underlying Reasons for the Brooklyn Elevator Accident
As has been mentioned, the investigation into the elevator crash is only just underway. Nothing of consequence has been reported about a potential cause or causes of the elevator accident. There are a number of possible causes that likely are under consideration:
- 25 people and what has been described as a considerable amount of IT equipment may have been over the weight limit of the elevator, perhaps significantly so.
- Ultimately the emergency brake did engage; however, a focus of the investigation likely will be on whether or not it did so in a reasonably timely manner.
Passengers Trapped for a Short Period of Time
As a result of the accident, passengers in the elevator were trapped for a short period of time. The scene called for a three-alarm response. Fire rescue personnel were at the scene immediately. Although the 25 women and men on the elevator were trapped for period of time, fire rescue personnel announced that they had them all out of the elevator alive within a half hour after their arrival.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an elevator accident, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. Our firm has extensive experience in representing people in a wide range of different types of personal injury cases, including elevator accidents. You can reach our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (800) 349-0000. We can schedule an appointment with an elevator accident lawyer at any time that is convenient for you.