A considerable amount of media attention has been paid to hotel and resort guests who are injured at a property. Little focus has been directed to hotel employees who are injured as the result of assaults perpetrated by guests at a particular property. Every year, hotel staffers are injured as a result of assaults and other acts perpetrated by guests. A shocking example of this type of assault on a hotel worker took place at the Quality Inn located in Mystic, Connecticut.
Hotel Guests Violently Attack Desk Clerk
Crystal Caldwell was a 59-year-old desk clerk on duty at the Quality Inn when her life changed forever. Caldwell, a Black American, had been employed by the hotel as a clerk for some time before the night in question. While on duty, Caldwell attempted to assist a couple staying at the Quality Inn. By all accounts, and as demonstrated by a security video recorded at the time of the incident, Caldwell acted in a completely professional manner. The same cannot be said of Philip Sarner and Emily Orbay, the couple Caldwell attempted to assist with the improperly working ice machine.
As the hotel security camera makes clear, without any provocation, Sarner punched Caldwell and tossed her to the floor. Once on the floor, Sarner began to kick and stomp on the hotel clerk’s head. During the attack, Sarner made racial slurs, including calling Caldwell an “old monkey.” Orbay taunted Caldwell as she was beaten viciously by Sarner, evidently making slurs as well.
Caldwell suffered significant injuries as a result of the racially motivated attack that occurred during her shift at the Quality Inn. Although several months have passed since the violent attack, Caldwell is still recovering from the physical injuries. Additionally, she has been suffering from PTSD since the workplace assault perpetrated by hotel guests.
No Remorse Shown by Violent Guests
Neither of the guests who attacked the Quality Inn worker has expressed any remorse for the brutal, racist-edged assault. Plea negotiations have been underway in the case. An offer on the table includes upwards to nine years in prison for Sarner and upwards to six years incarcerated for Orbay. Pursuant to the proposed plea agreement, they do have the chance for an early release at the two-year mark and abatement of the balance of the sentence.
Sarner and Orbay demonstrated their lack of remorse when at the courthouse for a proceeding in their criminal case. Outside the courthouse, the violent offenders were dancing about. Sarner repeatedly made crude gestures involving his crotch.
Unfortunately, the case involving the Quality Inn clerk in Connecticut is far from the only example of hotel, motel, and resort staffers being injured by guests. Additionally, hotel workers of all types are injured in a variety of other ways while engaged in their employment. In many instances, work-related injuries to hotel workers can be severe. In an alarming number of cases, an injured hotel worker endures prolonged and even debilitating injuries. There are also instances every year of hotel workers having fatal accidents while on duty for their employers.
Hotels, motels, and resorts have a legal obligation to ensure a reasonably safe environment for their workers. This includes reasonable protections against potentially dangerous guests.
If you’re a hotel employee who has been injured while on duty by a guest or otherwise, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can connect with our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (800) 349-0000.
Our firm has hometown offices located from coast to coast across the United States. We can arrange an initial consultation with a workplace injury lawyer from our firm at any one of our offices, at your home, or at any other location convenient for you. We can arrange a virtual consultation with you online as well. There is never a charge for an initial consultation and case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm workplace injury lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm never charges an attorney fee unless we win your case for you. Our legal team is committed to fighting tirelessly on your behalf in our effort to obtain justice and the compensation you deserve.