The Pi Alpha Phi fraternity at Michigan State University has been suspended by both the school administration and the organization’s international organization. Both suspensions are listed as temporary pending the results of an investigation into the Michigan State fraternity death of Phat Nguyen. In addition to the death of 21-year-old Phat Nguyen, three other members of the fraternity were transported to a local medical center.
Phat Nguyen was pronounced dead at the scene after EMTs attempted to revive the young man. Nguyen was not breathing and was unresponsive at the time emergency medical personnel arrived at the scene. Three other young men at the fraternity house were unconscious when EMTs arrived at the location. They were taken to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing. The trio of fraternity brothers were treated and then released from the medical center.
Phat Nguyen was a New Fraternity Member
The death of Phat Nguyen appears to have occurred one day after the Pi Alpha Phi fraternity listed as one of four new members of the chapter. There is some speculation that the other three fraternity brothers found unconscious by emergency medical personal likely are the new members mentioned on the fraternity’s social media page.
Alcohol Suspected to be a Factor in the Michigan State Fraternity Death of Phat Nguyen
The remains of Phat Nguyen were transported to the county coroner for forensics analysis. Part of the process is a toxicology screening. The results from that screening are expected to be available in about six weeks. Despite the need to wait for the results of the toxicology report, there is a good deal of speculation that alcohol was a contributing factor to the death of Phat Nguyen. The other students found at the scene unconscious are likely to be able to speak to this issue before the toxicology report is received and made public.
Possible Fraternity Hazing Death
Because Phat Nguyen and perhaps the three other young men were the newest members of Pi Alpha Phi, there is some speculation that the incident in question may have been a part of a fraternity hazing practice. As of this time, there is no confirmation that this is the case.
“Despite stronger laws and rules at colleges and universities across the country, fraternity hazing remains a significant problem,” explained Jimmy Doan, president of The Doan Law Firm. “Similarly, laws and school regulations have been beefed up as they pertain to alcohol consumption at school-sanctioned events. Nevertheless, every school year, multiple college and university students end up hospitalized or even killed as the result of alcohol misuse.”
Michigan State Fraternity Death Lawyer
If you’ve tragically lost a loved one in a Michigan State fraternity death, the team at The Doan Law Firm can answer questions and explain your vital rights. You can connect with a Michigan State fraternity death lawyer by calling us any time of the day or night at (517) 657-0000. Due to the nature of deadly incident at the fraternity house, we are keeping the Michigan State fraternity death lawyer phone line open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you have been injured at a Michigan State University event, an attorney from The Doan Law Firm can also address your questions and concerns. You can reach a seasoned personal injury lawyer from our firm through the same 24-hour phone line at (517) 657-0000.
Our offices conveniently located to Michigan State University at:
The Doan Law Firm
120 North Washington
Suite 300
Lansing, Michigan 48933
(517) 657-0000
Not only do we have an office conveniently located in Lansing, our firm also has 39 other offices located from coast to coast in the United States. Our team of fraternity hazing lawyers are located across the United States.
We can also arrange a consultation with a Michigan State fraternity death lawyer online as well. There is never a fee charged for a consultation with a Michigan State fraternity death lawyer. Indeed, our firm does not charge a fee unless we win a favorable settlement or judgment.