A North Carolina teen treatment center is being accused of abusing its youthful residents by engaging in conduct that includes providing them potentially lethal dosages of certain types of prescription medications. For example, a resident of the Solstice East North Carolina teen treatment center is said to have been provided five-times the appropriate dosage of a prescription medication called Lamictal.
Solstice East oftentimes is referred to as a “reform school” because the facility includes residents that are children who have had various problems, including issues with the law. The facility describes itself as:
A residential treatment center for young women of ages 14 to 18, opened in 2012. The school, located near Weaverville (North Carolina) specializes in gender-specific treatment for female adolescent who struggle with a variety of presenting problems.
Solstice East is regarded as an expansion of the Solstice West center that commenced operations in 2008. Solstice West is located in the state of Utah.
The North Carolina teen treatment center contends that it assists girls in a number of different areas. These include:
- Trauma
- Attachment
- Loss
- Addiction
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Substance abuse
- Eating disorders
- Self-harm
- Suicidal ideation
- Adoption-related issues
- Family conflict
- Academic problems
- Processing difficulties
- Social anxieties
- Emotional distress
At least one resident of Solstice East has been hospitalized as a result of being overmedicated with Lamictal. At this juncture, it is not yet known how many other students may have been subjected to overmedication with mood-altering or other types of medications. An investigation into this issue appears to be ongoing at this time. With that said, there is next to no information available in regard to the status of the investigation or who specifically is involved in that process.
Unfortunately, when the girl who was hospitalized for overmedication returned to Solstice East, she was overmedicated with Lamictal once again. A person with direct knowledge of the situation with this residence noted:
After the resident returned from the hospital, Solstice East continued to administer a dose of Lamictal in excess of the recommended amount for two months. The 13-year-old exhibited bizarre and irrational behavior and hallucinated.
One person with direct familiarity about the manner in which Solstice East is operated stated:
These places are private and don’t let the public see inside. They make boatloads of money by lying to patents about really goes on. That’s not to say every single school or program is abusing people, but more of them are than you can imagine.
Another person with direct information about the operations of Solstice East elaborated on the state of affairs at the center:
I can understand why parents would be drawn to this school. It promises a better life for their daughters. They should not be fooled by the serene farm and fairy tale setting. I have heard horror stories about this place.
If you are the parent of a young person who has been abused or inappropriately treated in a facility like the Solstice East center, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can connect with an abuse lawyer from our firm by calling our national hotline at (800) 349-0000. We keep our phone line staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including all major holidays.
A nationwide law firm, we can schedule an initial consultation for you with a skilled and experienced abuse lawyer at any one of our 40 offices. We can also arrange an appointment with an abuse attorney at your home. A virtual case evaluation can be scheduled online as well. There is never a charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm abuse lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm makes an important attorney fee promise to you. We understand that when you are faced with a situation in which you child has been or is being mistreated or abused, the last thing you need on your plate is worrying about coming up with money to consult an attorney. Understanding this reality, our firm guarantees that we will never charge an attorney fee unless we win your case for you. Our legal team is committed to fighting tirelessly for justice and the compensation you deserve in your case.