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Three Killed in West Texas School Bus Accident, Others in Critical Condition


West Texas School Bus Accident Lawyer Hotline at (432) 653-0000

A catastrophic West Texas school bus accident took three lives and left two students hospitalized in critical condition on Friday. 11 other students were also taken to an area hospital to be treated for more minor injuries. The deadly West Texas school bus accident occurred on Interstate 20 in Big Spring. The fatal accident occurred about 250 miles west of Fort Worth.

The pickup truck collided with the first two of three school buses that were traveling in a caravan. The trio of buses were carrying students from Andrews High School (in the city of Andrews) near the Texas and Mexico border to Sweetwater for a football game against Springtown High School. The buses were carrying football players, marching band members, cheer squad members, coaches, and others associated with the school. The pickup truck burst into flames after colliding with the second school bus.

The injured adults and students were all on the first school bus. No one on the second school bus in the caravan were injured. The school bus at the end of the row avoided the collision.

The investigation into the West Texas school bus accident has only just commenced. What is known at this time is that the driver of a pickup truck was traveling on wrong side of Interstate 20. As of Sunday afternoon, additional information is not yet available as to why the pickup driver was on the wrong side of the highway.

The scheduled football game between the two high schools was postponed.

Victims Killed in West Texas School Bus Accident Identified

Although at least 13 students of the 25 on the first bus were injured, no students are yet reported to have died (bearing in mind that a pair of students remain in critical condition). Three adults were killed in the accident, including two associated with the school and the driver of the pickup truck who caused the accident. The men killed in the accident have been identified as:

  • Marc Elbert Boswell, 69, the driver of the first school bus
  • Darin Johns, 53, Andrews High School Band Director
  • Nathan Paul Haile, 59, pickup truck driver

At Least 13 Students Injured

The pair of students in critical condition following the accident were taken to a hospital in Lubbock. As mentioned previously, the other injured students were taken to a medical center located in Big Springs

Justin Baker of the Texas Department of Public Safety advised over the weekend that officials from Andrews High School had not returned calls from his agency regarding the accident. He either does not yet have or cannot release the names of the students injured and otherwise involved in the West Texas school bus accident.

West Texas School Bus Accident Lawyer: Protect Your Legal Rights

If your child was injured in the West Texas school bus accident, or if you lost a family member in the highway catastrophe, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can reach The Doan Law Firm locally service West Texas by calling the West Texas school bus accident lawyer hotline at (432) 653-0000.

We can schedule an initial consultation with a West Texas school bus accident lawyer at our offices, at your home, at a hospital, or at any location that is most convenient for you. We are able to arrange a virtual case evaluation with a West Texas school bus accident lawyer online as well. There is not charge for an initial consultation and case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm West Texas school bus accident lawyer.

The Doan Law Firm makes an important attorney fee guarantee to you. At a time when your life has been upended, the last thing you need to worry about is coming up with money to pay a lawyer. We completely understand this reality. At The Doan Law Firm, we never charge an attorney fee in a case unless we win for you. The West Texas school bus accident lawyer team at our firm is committed to fighting tirelessly to obtain justice for you and the compensation that you deserve in your case.