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Seven Construction Accident Facts You Need to Know


If you work in the construction industry, or have a family member or other loved one in that type of career, you need to have a decent understanding of the risks presented by working in this type of environment. With that in mind, there are seven fundamental construction accident facts you need to know and appreciate.

  1. The Most Common Type of Fatal Construction Accident

By a considerable margin, the most commonplace type of construction accident is a fall of some sort. In fact, just over 39 percent of all fatal construction accidents in the United States are the result of a fall, usually a fall from a high place at a site. In the last year a full set of statistical data is available, falls caused 381 out of 971 fatal construction accidents, according to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA.

  1. Risk of Being Killed at a Construction Site

Another key fact you need to understand about working in the construction industry is the underlying risk of being killed at work. During a 45-year career in the construction industry (which is the length of a full career in construction), a worker has a risk of one out of 200 of being killed while at work. This data was compiled by Safety and Health Magazine.

  1. Deadliest Job in the Construction Industry

Those involved in roofing have the most dangerous jobs in the construction industry in the United States. In fact, roofing is ranked as the fourth deadliest job in the world, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics or BLS.

  1. State with the Most Fatal Construction Accidents

Texas is the state with the most fatal construction accidents at this juncture in time, according to Capterra.

  1. State with the Least Fatal Construction Accidents

At the other end of the spectrum, the state of Maine reports the lowest number of fatal construction accidents.

  1. Rate of Unreported Construction Accidents

In the grand scheme of things, it is impossible to precisely conclude how many construction accidents go unreported in any given year. In some instances, an unreported accident may initially be one that seems minor. The reality is that an injury from a construction accident that seems minor at the outset can prove to be a major injury over time.

A traumatic brain injury is a prime example. There are many, many times each year in which a construction accident results in what seems to be a minor traumatic brain injury. In the final analysis, the traumatic brain injury in question may prove to be serious or even fatal.

OSHA has made a rough estimate of the rate of unreported construction accidents in the United States. The workplace safety agency believes that about 50 percent of all workplace injuries are never reported, even when reporting is explicitly required by law.

  1. Types of Companies Where Fatal Construction Accidents Occur

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 50 percent of all fatal construction accidents involve workers employed by companies with 10 or fewer employees. This cohort includes those individuals who are self-employed and work individually at job sites in their own capacity.

If you have been injured in a construction accident, the committed, caring, and experienced legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can reach our nationwide law firm any time of the day or night by calling our construction accident lawyer hotline at (800) 349-0000.

We can schedule a case evaluation with an experienced construction site accident lawyer at any one of our 40 offices across the country, at your home, at the hospital, or anywhere else that is suitable for you. We can also arrange a virtual initial consultation online as well. There is never a charge for an initial consultation and case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm construction accident lawyer.

The Doan Law firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our law firm will never charge you an attorney fee unless we win your case for you. Our construction site accident lawyer team will fight tirelessly on your behalf for the justice and compensation you deserve in your case.
