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Seven Facts About Motorcycle Accidents


If you are a biker, you need to understand some basic and essential facts about motorcycle accidents in the United States. The fact is that even if you are not a biker, as a motorist, you need to also be aware of certain facts associated with motorcycle accidents. Indeed, there are seven key facts about motorcycle accidents to bear in mind:

  1. Death Rate Among Motorcycle Riders

There was a total of 4,985 bikers killed on U.S. roadways during the last year the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a complete set of statistical data. This total number of deaths does represent a reduction in the overall rate of biker deaths on the streets and highways of the United States. Even though this reduction is noted, the stark reality is that motorcyclists remain at a greater risk of being killed on the streets and highways of the U.S.A. than are other types of motorists.

  1. Ratio of Death Rates Among Different Types of Vehicle Users

Diving a bit deeper into the death rate among bikers, a look at the ratio of death rates among different types of vehicle users is illustrative. Motorcycles make up 3 percent of all registered vehicles on U.S. roadways today. With that duly noted, bikers account for nearly 14 percent of all traffic fatalities, according to the NHTSA.

  1. Motorcycles and Heightened Risk of Death

Another related piece of data is important to bear in mind. Motorcyclists are an astounding 29 times more likely to suffer a fatal injury than are passengers in automobiles, according to the Insurance Information Institute. The obvious (albeit oftentimes overlooked) reason why this is the case is that motorcycles lack nearly all of the protections afforded to people in a passenger vehicle or a commercial truck. Indeed, the minimal protection available to a biker is a helmet, which many motorcyclists fail to use.

  1. Primary Cause of Motorcycle and Automobile Collisions

There is one cause of motorcycle and automobile collisions that occur considerably more frequently than another. A full 67 percent of motorcycle and automobile collisions occur because a motorcar driver somehow violates the right of way of a biker, according to the NHTSA.

  1. Drunk Driving and Motorcycle Accidents

Nearly 33 percent of all motorcycle accidents involve drunk driving in some manner. These accidents include situations in which a biker is under the influence. It also includes accidents in which an automobile driver is impaired at the time of a collision with a biker. The fact is that these types of accidents are avoidable if people never operate a motor vehicle of any type on public roadways.

  1. Speeding and Motorcycle Accidents

Speeding is another common factor in accidents involving motorcycles. Of the most severe accidents involving motorcycles in the United States, speeding is involved in 32 percent of cases. This includes a speeding automobile driver, a speeding biker, or both.

  1. Busy Intersections and Motorcycle Accidents

Finally, a majority of motorcycle accidents across the country occur at busy intersections. Research indicates that 40 percent of all motorcycle accidents occur at intersections.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. Similarly, if you’ve lost a family member in a motorcycle accident, we are also here for you and your family as well. You can reach our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (800) 349-0000. Our motorcycle accident lawyer hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including all major holidays.

A nationwide law practice, we can schedule an initial consultation with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer at any one of our 40 offices, at your home, or at any other location convenient for you. We can also arrange an initial consultation with a motorcycle accident lawyer online as well. There is never a charge for a case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm motorcycle accident lawyer.

The Doan Law Firm maintains an attorney fee guarantee. Our firm never charges an attorney fee unless we win your case for you. Our legal team will fight tirelessly on your behalf to obtain justice and the compensation you deserve in your situation.