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Texas Doctor Continuously Sexually Abused Child Patients


A Texas physician is alleged to have continuously sexually abused multiple children. Matt Hipke maintained a medical practice in Longview, Texas, he called Adolescent Care Team. Hipke appears to have sexually assaulted male and female patients alike. These included children under the age of 17, some even younger than 14-years-old. The medical practice is now shuttered in the aftermath of what appear to widespread accusations about sexual abuse of minors.

Hipke is said to have utilized a number of tactics in order to facilitate the sexual abuse of children he saw as patients. These illicit strategies included:

  • Hipke would not permit parents to be with their children during what were reported to be examinations and consultations. Hipke advised parents that he believed that children were more apt to open up and be honest about their medical issues or concerns if a parent was not present in the room.
  • Hipke would schedule multiple appointments with children he was molesting. There was not medical necessity for these multiple appointments between Hipke and the children he ended up molesting.

Law enforcement officials have been investigating the allegations made against Hipke. To date, at least a dozen children have been identified as being sexually assaulted by the physician. In addition, criminal charges have been filed against Hipke in Gregg County.

He has been charged with two counts of continuously sexually abusing minor children. The possibility of additional charges against Hipke are possible as the investigation into his alleged criminality is ongoing. Hipke has been released from jail on a bond of $1 million.

The sexual misconduct engaged in by Hipke evidently came to light when one of the man’s minor patients had been going to appointments with the physician on a continuous basis. The youth was sexually assaulted during each of these appointments. The minor ultimately informed his parents that he no longer wished to go to further appointments with the doctor.

He explained that he was not comfortable with the manner in which the doctor conducted physical examinations. In discussions with their son, the parents were able to discern that the boy was being sexually assaulted during the purported clinical appointments.

The Texas Medical Board suspended Hipke’s medical license in August 2020. The suspension was based on reports of three children under the age of 17 being sexually assaulted in the doctor’s offices. As of this moment in time, the Texas Medical Board has not revoked Hipke’s medical license.

Little information currently is available from this state agency in regard to its own investigations of Hipke and whether a permanent revocation of the doctor’s license will be forthcoming in the future. With allegations mounting against the Texas doctor, the expectation is that his medical license will be revoked with complaints against him mounting with the medical regulatory agency.

With that said, The Texas Medical Board is in the midst of incredible controversy over the agencies failure to take prompt action in regard to the Dallas Doctor Death, Christopher Duntsch. The medical regulatory agency took no definitive action against Duntsch for an extended period of time despite having concrete evidence of the harm that the doctor was causing to his own patients, including fatal injuries.

If you were sexually abused as a child, or if you have a child who has disclosed sexual abuse, the caring, compassionate, committed legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can connect with a child sexual assault lawyer from our firm any time of the day or night by calling (800) 349-0000. We can arrange a confidential consultation with you any time that is convenient for you at any one of our Texas offices:

  • Abilene – (325) 307-0000
  • Amarillo – (806) 509-0000
  • Austin – (502) 816-0000
  • Bryan – (979) 803-0000
  • Corpus Christi – (361) 371-0000
  • Dallas – (214) 307-0000
  • El Paso – (915) 201-0000
  • Fort Worth (817) 035-0000
  • Houston (832) 835-0000
  • Lubbock (806) 557-0000
  • McAllen (956) 415-0000
  • Midland-Odessa (432) 653-0000
  • San Antonio (210) 904-0000
  • Waco (254) 615-0000

There is no charge for an initial consultation with a child sexual assault lawyer from our firm. In fact, we make an attorney fee promise to you. Our firm will never charge an attorney fee unless we win your case for you.