Halloween is not far off. Indeed, Halloween themed celebrations will be starting in a very short period of time. Therefore, the time is now to review some Halloween safety tips. This specifically is important for children who will be going trick-or-treating during the Halloween season.
Adult Supervision is Crucial
When children are participating in trick-or-treating or similar Halloween activities, adult supervision is a must. One strategy is to bring children together as a group to go trick-or-treating, with multiple parents providing supervision.
Bring cellphones along while out and about collecting candy or engaging in related activities. These can be invaluable in the event of an emergency. However, in order to ensure that you maintain appropriate attention to what is going on while the children are trick-or-treating, keep your mobile devices stowed away unless an emergency erupts or unless the action is paused for photos.
Carefully Check Candy
Make sure that you inspect all candy collected by the kids while out and about for Halloween. Throw away any candy that has not been properly sealed or that appears to have been opened. Also be vigilant when it comes to candies that might present a chocking risk for children.
Stay on Sidewalks, Cross at Marked Intersections
When out and about trick-or-treating with the kids, you need to make certain that everyone stays on the sidewalk. Only cross the street at marked intersections. Every year an alarming number of children are injured and even killed in accidents involving vehicles because they fail to remain appropriately on the sidewalk or dart into the street between cars or in the middle of the block rather than at marked intersections.
Use Bright Colors on Costumes
Whenever possible, select bright colors for children’s Halloween costumes. If that proves to be impossible, add reflection tape to costumes to enhance the visibility of kids when out celebrating the Halloween holiday.
Ensure Costumes Fit Appropriately
You optimize the safety of your children when dressed in a costume by making sure that the outfit fits appropriately. Indeed, a Halloween costume should be well-fitted and not have any loose or angling accoutrements.
Makeup Safety
If you child will be wearing makeup as part of a Halloween costume, you need to take steps to ensure that your young one is not allergic to it. You can accomplish this by applying a small amount of the makeup to be used as part of a costume to your child’s skin in advance of Halloween. In this way, you will be able to identify any possible allergic reaction.
Jack-o-Lantern Safety
Preparing a jack-o-lantern can be an enjoyable and memorable part of celebrating Halloween with children. However, you must always keep safety first when it comes to carving a pumpkin.
First off, only older children should be allowed to use a knife and carve a pumpkin. Even in such a situation, parental supervision is necessary.
Younger children should not be permitted to carve a pumpkin, not be permitted to use a knife in this manner. Rather, one alternative is to encourage teamwork. Have a child draw a face or design on a pumpkin and an adult can do the carving.
In addition, another recommendation is to avoid burning candles in a jack-o-lantern. An alternative is to glowsticks inside a jack-o-lantern for illumination.
If your child is injured on Halloween as a result of the negligence of someone else, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. A nationwide law firm, we’ve 40 offices located across the country.
You can connect with our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (800) 349-0000. Our child injury attorney hotline is staffed around the clock, 365 days a year and including all major holidays – like Halloween.
We can schedule an initial consultation with a child injury lawyer from our firm at any one of our offices, at your home, or any other location that works for you. We can arrange a virtual consultation with a child injury lawyer online as well. There is no charge for an initial consultation.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee for you. We will never charge an attorney fee unless we win your case for you.