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Four Remain Missing at Sea After Houston Walter Oil & Gas Corporation Helicopter Crash


Three Walter Oil & Gas Corporation oil rig crew members and a pilot appear to have lost their lives in a tragic helicopter crash during the last week of 2022. The helicopter was transporting the crew members to Louisiana from the Gulf of Mexico oil rig, the accident occurring about 10 miles offshore. The cause of the accident is not yet known. Weather has been ruled out as a cause, however. It is beginning to look like some type of human error or negligence caused the oil rig helicopter accident.

Investigation Underway Regarding Houston Walter Oil & Gas Corporation Helicopter Accident

Although the U.S. Coast Guard has suspended its search and rescue operation following the oil rig helicopter accident that occurred on Thursday, the investigation into the cause of the crash is accelerating. At this time, the investigation is spear-headed by the National Transportation Safety Board.

Walter Oil & Gas Corporation Issues Public Response to Oil Rig Helicopter Crash

The day after the Gulf of Mexico oil rig helicopter crash Walter Oil & Gas Corporation issued a brief statement regarding the catastrophe that likely has taken the lives of four people:

Walter extends our deepest condolences to the families impacted by this tragic event, and we are cooperating fully in the response efforts and investigation of this incident.

Walter Oil & Gas Corporation is a family owned business headquartered in Houston, Texas. Walter Oil & Gas Corporation was founded by Joe Walter following a $2.1 billion merger of Houston Oil and Minerals and Tenneco Inc. The private, family-owned exploration and production company has operated in the Gulf of Mexico since 1982.

Walter Oil & Gas Corporation has drilled more than 530 wells in the Gulf of Mexico, 418 of which were operational. Finally, Walter Oil & Gas Corporation has also installed 110 production platforms, 316 pipelines and more than 96 subsea developments in depths up to 3,000 feet.

Five Key Statistics About Oil Rig Accidents

Unfortunately, oil rig accidents are relatively commonplace. This includes tragedies like the Walter Oil & Gas Corporation helicopter crash that appears to have taken the lives of four people, including three oil rig workers and a pilot. Five key statistics about oil rig accidents are important to consider:

1. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were more than 1,000 fatalities related to oil rig accidents in 2019 alone. This number has been steadily increasing over the past decade and is expected to continue rising as more and more people enter this field of work each year.

2. North America has experienced some of the deadliest oil rig accidents throughout history. In 2010, an explosion on a BP-operated drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico killed 11 workers and injured 17 others; it was one of the worst disasters in U.S history involving offshore oil rigs at that time.

3. Oil rig safety regulations have been improved significantly over the last few decades due to increased government oversight and industry standards; however, some suggest that these regulations need further revision in order to ensure maximum worker protection against potential hazards on offshore rigs.

4. A 2017 report found that approximately two thirds of all oil rig accidents can be attributed to human error or negligence. This stunning reality makes it imperative for employers to ensure their workers are properly trained and adhere to safety regulations while on duty at an offshore drilling facility.

5. The most common type of injury sustained from an oil rig accident is a burn injury due to contact with hot machinery or combustible materials used during operations; however, other serious injuries such as fractures, amputations, and lacerations have also been reported throughout the industry's history.

Legal Rights of People Injured or Killed in Oil Rig Accidents

The experienced, compassionate team at The Doan Law Firm continues to monitor the situation surrounding the Walter Oil & Gas Corporation oil rig helicopter crash. If you have questions about the Walter Oil & Gas Corporation oil rig helicopter accident, you can reach our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (832) 835-0000. We are here to answer any questions you might have about the legal rights of people injured or killed in oil rig accidents.

The Doan Law Firm is located in Houston at:

1 Riverway
Suite 2500
Houston, Texas 77056
(832) 835-0000