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Semi-Truck Accident Wrongful Death Facts and Stats


Semi-trucks provide valuable services to the people of the United States. Without big rigs, the U.S. economy would grind to a halt. With that said, there is a downside to the presence of semis on the streets and highways of our country. These negative aspects include the fact that semi-truck accidents oftentimes result in catastrophic and even fatal injuries. There are some key semi-truck accident wrongful death facts and stats that you need to bear in mind.

Semi-Truck Accident Fatalities Each Year

While there is some fluctuation from one year to another, over 4,000 people are killed in semi-truck accidents across the United States each year. In 2018, 4,136 individuals lost their lives in big rig accidents in the U.S. The death rate dipped a bit during the pandemic years as a result of a temporary decrease in the number of people who were on roadways.

There is one consistent reality about fatal semi-truck accidents. In the vast majority of cases, those who die in commercial truck accidents are:

  • Drivers and passengers of automobiles involved in a big rig wreck
  • Motorcyclists
  • Bicyclists
  • Pedestrians

Big rig operators are far, far less likely to be seriously injured or killed in an accident involving their trucks.

Weight and Size of Commercial Trucks Spell Disaster in a Wreck

A fundamental reality associated with the deadly nature of big rig collisions is the immense size and weight of semis. A typical semi-truck weighs on average 80,000 when loaded and in operation on a U.S. roadway. A 4,000-pound standard passenger car is no match for a 40-ton semi-truck. (A typical passenger car is 2 tons.)

Other Factors of a Semi-Truck Accident

Size alone is far from the only factor that makes commercial truck wrecks possible and deadly. Factors that oftentimes come into play when a semi-collision occurs include:

  • Distracted big rig operator (talking on the phone, texting, eating, drinking, etc.)
  • Impaired or intoxicated semi-driver (illicit drugs, prescribed medications, alcohol)
  • Fatigued commercial truck driver
  • Improperly trained semi-operator
  • Semi mechanical breakdown
  • Semi-truck operator driving at an excessive speed (beyond the speed limit, too fast for prevailing conditions)
  • Combination of facts (for example, mechanical malfunction coupled with a fatigued rig operator)

Who Can Pursue a Semi-Truck Accident Wrongful Death Claim?

Certain close family members are in a position to pursue a semi-truck accident wrongful death claim. The laws vary from one state to another when it comes to which family members legally can pursue a semi-accident wrongful death claim. Examples of family members who most often are in a legal position to pursue this type of wrongful death claim include:

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Parents

Compensation in a Semi-Truck Accident Wrongful Death Case

As is the case with who can pursue a semi-truck wrongful death claim, the laws in each individual U.S. state dictate the specific types of financial compensation that might be awarded in a particular case. The types of losses for which a family member typically can seek compensation might include:

  • Final medical expenses of deceased family member
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Loss of companionship
  • Lost wages and support
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress

In some instances, a family member may be able to obtain what are known as punitive damages in a semi-truck accident wrongful death lawsuit. In simple terms, punitive damages represent additional money paid to a family member in a lawsuit. Punitive damages are awarded when the conduct of the party that caused an accident is deemed to be particularly reckless or egregious.

Semi-Truck Accident Wrongful Death Lawyer and Your Legal Rights

If you lost a family member in a semi-accident, The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can connect with a Doan Law Firm semi-truck accident wrongful death lawyer any time of the day or night by calling (800) 349-0000. We keep our semi-truck accident wrongful death lawyer telephone line staffed 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, including all major holidays.

There is no charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm semi-truck accident wrongful death lawyer. In fact, our firm never charges a fee unless we win your case for you. Our legal team is committed to fighting tirelessly to obtain justice for you.