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Teen Driver Ignites Semi-Truck Accident that Injures Five, Destroys Hardware Store


A 15-year-old driver in Jacksonville, Florida, is considered to the be at fault for causing a multi-vehicle accident that injured five people and destroyed an Ace Hardware store in that community. The teenage girl had a learner’s permit at the time of the accident and is not fully licensed. All five injured individuals were transported from the scene of the accident to area hospitals. None of the injured people are reported to be suffering from life-threatening injuries.

A significant issue in regard to the accident is that the teen driver with a learner’s permit appears to have been operating the car without a fully licensed individual in the vehicle with her. A person with a learner’s permit is required to have a licensed driver in the vehicle when operating it.

There was a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the accident, however. The teenage driver’s 11-year-old sibling was in the car at the time of the automobile accident involving a semi-truck. Both the driver who is said to have caused the accident and her sibling were among those injured and taken to the hospital.

Teen Driver Fails to Yield Right of Way

When police arrived at the scene of the accident, the teenage driver unlawfully operating the car she was in provided false information to law enforcement. She told police she has the right-of-way to make a left turn.

With the ubiquitous presence of cameras in this day and age, the teenager’s false statement shortly was discovered. The truth of the matters was that a semi-truck driver had the right-of-way and was legally proceeding through the intersection on a green light.

The teen unlawfully drove her vehicle into the intersection, leaving the rig operator no room or time to maneuver away from her. Ultimately, because of the teen driver’s violation of the right-of-way, her vehicle collided with the semi and the commercial truck in turn hit two other vehicles and drove into an Ace Hardware store located at the intersection.

As mentioned previously, the teen at the wheel of the car and her youthful passenger were hospitalized. The driver of the semi-truck was also transported to the hospital. In addition, the co-owners of the Ace Hardware, who were inside the store at the time of the accident, were also injured and hospitalized.

Chain Reaction Results in Destruction of Ace Hardware Store

What fairly can be called a “chain reaction” accident not only caused injuries to five people, but it resulted in the destruction of the hardware store. Extensive damage occurred to the inventory inside store and to the structure itself. As of this time, no final estimate has been realized as to the full extent of damage the automobile accident caused to the Ace Hardware store. In addition, information is not yet available as to whether or when the hardware store will open for business.

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