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6-Year-Old Boy Dies in St. Louis Summer Camp Drowning Accident


A 6-year-old boy lost his life in a St. Louis summer camp drowning accident. The accident occurred at the Kennedy Recreation Center in South County. The boy’s tragic death marked the first person to die by drowning in the St. Louis County pool since it opened in 1974.

The specifics surrounding the St. Louis summer camp drowning accident remain unclear. Local police are investigating the drowning death and have been tight lipped thus far about the matter. The Doan Law Firm summer camp drowning accident lawyer team is following the case. With the widespread risk of young people losing their lives in summer camp drowning accidents, we understand the importance of child water safety and tracking breakdowns in keeping our youth protected when involved in water activities.

Paramedics arrived at the scene to find a lifeguard and a camp counselor performing CPR on the boy. He was unresponsive. The paramedics continued performing resuscitation and lifesaving efforts. The boy was transported to a nearby medical center. He was later pronounced dead.

Emergency personnel who arrived at the scene included the St. Louis Police and the Mehlville Firefighters. Fire Chief Brian Hendricks commented on the tragedy:

These emergencies happen in an instant. When I mean instant, I mean, you turn your head to the right and you go back to the left and it’s started, and these are deadly accidents that can be prevented.

The boy who lost his life in the St. Louis summer camp drowning accident has been identified as Travone Mister, Jr. He was one of the children participating in the Kennedy Recreation Center Summer Camp. The camp is operated each summer for children between the ages of five and 12.

Summer Camp Drowning Accidents on the Rise

Through the years, The Doan Law Firm summer camp drowning accident lawyer team has come to realize that nearly all child drowning accidents could have been prevented. In other words, child drowning deaths simply did not need to happen in the first place.

Doan Law Firm drowning lawyers have learned that certain types of negligence surrounding swimming pools happens time and time again. The most commonplace shortcomings that jeopardize the lives of our young people include:

  • Failure to supervise children properly while around or in a pool.
  • Lack of proper fencing safeguarding a pool.
  • Inadequate swimming training for a youth
  • Lack of proper lifesaving equipment at a pool
  • Lack of proper lifesaving training for adults responsible for a pool site

Legal Rights After a Summer Camp Drowning Accident

If you are trying to make sense of life after you lost your child in a summer camp drowning accident, The Doan Law Firm drowning accident lawyer team is here for you. Of course, there is no way to achieve full justice when you lose a child in an accident caused by the negligence of someone else. With that said, a summer camp drowning accident attorney from our firm will fight tirelessly for accountability and the compensation you deserve.

You can schedule an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm summer camp drowning accident lawyer by calling us any time of the day or night at (800) 349-0000. We keep our drowning accident attorney telephone line staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, including all major holidays.

A nationwide law firm, we can arrange an appointment with you at any one of our 40 offices. We can also meet with you at your home or any other location that is convenient and comfortable for you. There is never a fee charged for an initial consultation with a summer camp drowning accident lawyer from our firm.

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm will never charge an attorney fee unless we win your case for you. We will fight tirelessly for justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve in your case.
