A 4-year-old child lost her life in a Texas City apartment complex drowning accident. First responders were called to the Terrances Apartments at about 9:00 p.m. on the night of the fatal incident. Official information about the fatal Texas City child drowning accident remains scant at this time.
The significant uncertainty begins with the question of whether any adults were at the pool at the time the child entered the water and drowned. Typically, apartment complex swimming pools do not have lifeguards on duty. This reality makes it incumbent for parents to be on hand when children are in an apartment complex swimming pool.
A rather frequent scenario involving a child who drowns in some type of community pool is a situation in which a youngster wanders off from adults. The child ends up in a pool area, oftentimes even before adults realize the youth is gone. The child then ends up getting in the pool or slips into the water. Ultimately, in this type of situation, a child is at high risk for drowning.
The investigation into this matter is likely to begin with an examination of the presence of lack of adults at the pool area. Once that issue is resolved, if the child ended up at the pool alone, the focus of the investigation will shift. Officials will then turn their attention to ascertain whether or not the pool area was appropriately, reasonably protected to prevent unsupervised entry of a child into that area.
An apartment complex pool is considered reasonably well safeguarded when these features are in place:
- A fence completely surrounding the pool area which stands at least six feet tall
- An automatically latching gate into the pool area
- An alarmed gate
- A locked door separating a club house and the pool area
- Sensor alarm covering the pool deck
- Sensor alarm in the pool itself that detects the entry of a person into the pool
A Texas apartment complex that lacks these features might be considered negligent if these features are not in place.
If your child has drowned in an apartment complex pool, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can reach a Texas drowning accident lawyer from our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (832) 835-0000. We staff our Texas drowning accident lawyer telephone line 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including all major holidays.
We can schedule a no-cost, no-obligation, and confidential initial consultation with you at our offices located in Houston at:
The Doan Law Firm
1 Riverview
Suite 2500
Houston, Texas 77056
(832) 835-0000
We can also schedule an initial consultation at your home or at any other location that is convenient for you. In addition, a virtual appointment can be scheduled online. There is never a fee charged for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm Texas drowning accident lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. When you have experienced the tragic loss of a child, the last thing you need to work about is finding a way to pay lawyer fees. The Doan Law Firm will never charge an attorney fee in your case unless we win for you. Our Texas drowning accident lawyer team is dedicated to obtaining justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve. We are here for you.