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Remains of Four Killed in Oil Rig Helicopter Crash Finally Recovered


The remains of all for people onboard a Gulf oil rig helicopter have been recovered after a search and rescue operation was suspended by the United States Coast Guard. The occupants of the helicopter that crashed into the Gulf after taking off from an oil rig platform included three workers and the pilot. A joint announcement about the recovery was made by the three primary companies involved in this particular exploration and production operation:

  • Walter Oil & Gas Corporation, the owner of the oil platform
  • Island Operating Company, the employer of the three crew members who lost their lives
  • Rotorcraft Leasing Company, the helicopter operator and the employer of the pilot

Representatives of the trio of enterprises have thus far declined to identify the individuals who were killed the crash. In addition, as of this time, the companies have not released any information about the cause of this particular oil rig accident involving a transport helicopter.

“We extend our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the pilot and passengers on board the aircraft,” the joint statement said. The statement additionally noted that the companies will cooperate with the investigations that have been launched by the National Transportation Safety Board and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.

Previous U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue Operation

A couple of days prior to the recovery of the remains of the deceased individuals, the U.S. Coast Guard had undertaken an extensive search and rescue operation to no avail. Coast Guard personnel had intensely searched an area of about 180 square miles seeking survivors, of which there ended up being none.

Circumstances Surrounding the Oil Rig Accident Involving the Chopper Crash

A great deal remains unknown about the specific circumstances surrounding the helicopter crash that took the lives of three Gulf oil rig workers and a pilot. What is known is that the chopped plunged into the waters of the Gulf at about 8:40 a.m. on December 29, according to U.S. Coast Guard 8th District officials. According to the Guard:

The aircraft was departing after picking up the workers from an oil platform when it crashed about 10 miles offshore of Southwest Pass, Louisiana, about 80 miles southeast of New Orleans.

Possible causes of the oil rig helicopter accident include:

  • Weather
  • Pilot error
  • Mechanical breakdown
  • Combination of causes

At this time, weather issues do appear to have generally been ruled out as factors in this particular oil rig accident.

Investigation Into the Walter Oil & Gas Corporation Oil Rig Helicopter Accident is Ongoing

The investigation into the cause of the oil rig helicopter accident is expected to continue for some time. As mentioned previously, both the National Transportation Safety Board and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement currently are involved in this process. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA may also become involved in the investigation.

Legal Rights of People Injured or Killed in Oil Rig Accidents

The experienced, dedicated, and compassionate team at The Doan Law Firm has been monitoring the situation surrounding the Walter Oil & Gas Corporation oil rig helicopter crash. If you have questions about the Walter Oil & Gas Corporation oil rig helicopter accident, you can reach our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (832) 835-0000. We are here to answer any questions you might have about the legal rights of people injured or killed in oil rig accidents.  

We can schedule a no-cost and no-obligation initial consultation with an oil rig accident lawyer from our firm. We can arrange for a case evaluation by an oil rig accident lawyer at our offices in Houston located at:

1 Riverway

Suite 2500

Houston, Texas 77056

(832) 835-0000

In addition, we can schedule an initial consultation with an oil rig accident attorney at your home, any other location that is convenient for you, or online.

Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Guarantee

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm will never charge an attorney fee in your case unless we win for you. Our oil rig accident lawyer team is committed to fighting tirelessly for justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve.