First Degree Burn Injury Attorney
How Serious is a Burn Injury?
Approximately two and one-half million burn injuries are reported each year and many more go unreported and unnoticed. The first question, which is asked after a burn accident, is "how serious is the burn injury?" The best thing to do if there is any reason for concern is to seek medical care immediately as burn injuries which are not given the proper treatment can evolve into a more serious injury.
Depending upon the circumstances of the accident other less obvious but still serious and sometime life threatening injuries may accompany a first degree burn, second degree burn, and third degree burn. If you or a loved one has suffered a burn in a car accident caused by misconduct or negligence on the part of another, you should consult a Houston catastrophic injury attorney as soon as possible.
Burn Injury Lawyer
A first degree burn affects the outer layer of skin. Sunburn is an example of this level of burn. Since the first degree burn results in redness and pain and even some swelling the victim may develop signs of shock depending upon the size of the burn. It involves minimal tissue damage and causes the skin to appear blanched (white or pale) when light pressure is applied to the area. Depending upon the cause of the burn and the amount of skin involved an examination by a qualified medical professional may be recommended to ensure there isn't a more serious injury.
This type of burn may be caused by flame, radiation, chemicals, hot water and other hot fluids, steam, explosions and electrocution. While painful, a first degree burn will usually heal fairly quickly, but the victim may also suffer an inhalation injury from heat, toxic chemicals, smoke or other toxic gases which can be very serious. An apparently minor electrical burn may cause severe nerve and muscle damage. A Houston burn injury lawyer with our firm has years of experience in representing clients whose lives have been disrupted by such serious injuries.
An individual who has been injured through the carelessness of another has the right to seek compensation for damages. Call The Doan Law Firm, P.C. for a consultation with a skilled Houston burn injury lawyer to discuss the circumstances of your accident.
Contact with our firm for a free consultation concerning your burn injuries. Our firm is always open. Call us today at (800) 349-0000 for a free consultation.

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