Escalation of Fraternity Hazing
Get Justice in a Fraternity Hazing Injury or Fraternity Hazing Death Case
During the latter part of the 20th century, what was said to be a concerted effort to bring an end to the horrors of fraternity hazing was said to have commenced. The campaign to bring harmful and even deadly fraternity hazing to an end was said to involve national fraternities and their local chapters, colleges and universities, and governmental leaders. As of today, a fraternity hazing lawyer remains busy protecting the legal rights of victims of fraternity hazing injuries and deaths.
In short, the promise of ending deadly fraternity hazing has been broken – time and again.
Because this horrifically harmful activity continues on college and university campuses across the United States, The Doan Law Firm has established the Fraternity Hazing Lawyer Hotline at (800) 349-0000. Through the hotline, victims of harmful hazing rituals and their families can learn more about their legal rights – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including major holidays and when school is not in session.
Taking a look at actual cases involving fraternity hazing is important. Considering what has happened to young people because of fraternity hazing rituals underscores the importance of fraternity hazing lawyers fighting for the rights of young people who’ve been seriously harmed or even killed because of fraternity hazing. It also emphasizes that this unacceptable situation has gone on far too long.
Tragic Fraternity Hazing Rituals are Nothing New
The sad reality is that the powers that be at colleges and universities as well as in fraternities have been promising to end hazardous fraternity hazing rituals as far back as 1905. Over 100 year later, young people are seriously injured and even killed because no real progress has been made to protect their wellbeing and even their lives by a large number of institutions of higher education and fraternities.
The death of fraternity pledge Stuart Pierson in 1905 is credited for exposing the inner workings of hazing rituals to the public forefront for the first time. As part of young Stuart’s initiation into a college fraternity, he was taken into the woods at night. The fraternity brothers either left the intoxicated pledge to wander in the woods alone or (as investigators deemed more likely) tied Stuart to railroad tracks. In the end, Stuart was run over and killed by a train.
Lives Destroyed by Fraternity Hazing in Recent Times
Recent cases of fraternity hazing injuries and deaths are horrific. The death of George Desdunes by fraternity hazing is a prime example. George was blindfolded and bound by his wrists and ankles. He was forced to down shots of vodka throughout the night. In addition, he was force fed other substances like strawberry syrup, chocolate powder, and hot sauce. Eventually, his fraternity tormentors evidently grew bored and left George bound-up and alone. He was found the next morning, dead – with a lethal blood alcohol content and a mouth filled with vomit.
What happened to Jack Ivey is shocking as well. Jack was egged into a drinking contest. He was provided rum while his opponent drank only water. After Jack was highly intoxicated, his fraternity brothers tied him to the back of a car. As law enforcement would report, the fraternity brothers drove Jack around in this manner “until they were bored and Jack was dead.”
Keep in mind that the incidents described here are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Since 2005, 77 young men have been killed by fraternity hazing. Hundreds more have been injured, including many with very seriously.
Moreover, hazing is not confined to fraternities. Sororities, sports teams, and other types of organizations have been exposed as having dangerous and even deadly hazing rituals as well.
Protect Your Legal Rights with a Fraternity Hazing Lawyer
If you or a member of your family has been injured or killed because of hazing, a skilled, experienced fraternity hazing lawyer from our firm stands ready to assist you. You can schedule an initial consultation right now by calling (800) 349-0000. A member of our compassionate, tenacious legal team will provide you a comprehensive case evaluation at no cost or obligation to you.
As a nationwide law firm, we can schedule an initial consultation with you at any one of out many offices located across the country. We can also meet with you at your home or any location convenient for you. If you desire, a virtual consultation can be scheduled online.
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