Sexual Abuse in Fraternities Lawyer
Serving Fraternity Hazing Victims Nationwide
Sexual abuse is something no one should ever endure. Unfortunately, this offensive behavior is part of many hazing rituals that fraternities, sports teams and social groups use to humiliate and initiate new members. These unspeakable acts frequently go unreported, or officials choose to turn a blind eye to groups that engage in illegal sexual abuse. This wanton negligence and disregard for the safety and well-being of students needs to be addressed according to state laws, school policies and in the nation’s civil courts. That’s where an experienced personal injury attorney can help protect your rights and fight for the monetary and punitive damages that you deserve.
Our compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys have helped others who have been harmed by hazing. We are experienced in this area of practice and are fully committed to handling cases that involve sexual abuse and assault. These are just a few forms of sexual assault that are related to hazing.
- Fraternity rape
- Forced nudity or exposure
- Harassment
- Physical violation or penetration
- Pressure to perform sexual acts
- Sexual assault
- Sexual shaming
- Verbal threats
Every victim has rights. Whether the abuse stemmed from a systematic plan or competitive one-upmanship, it is unacceptable. Many people suffer mental anguish and emotional trauma following hazing and abuse. Others experience permanent physical injuries. There’s no excuse for sexual behavior that disgraces or humiliates a person or causes bodily harm. As personal injury attorneys, it’s our job to hold responsible parties accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our professional staff will investigate every aspect of your case to ensure that we can hold group leaders, the school and all officials accountable.
If this type of abuse has happened to you or someone you love, you need an experienced attorney to provide aggressive representation and to recover the compensation that you deserve. The Doan Law Firm provides all services on a contingency basis, which means that you won’t pay anything unless we win your case. Call us today at (800) 349-0000 to request a free consultation. Our compassionate and knowledgeable staff is available around the clock to answer your questions and assess your case. Everything that you say will remain strictly confidential.

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