The Hidden World of Fraternity Hazing and Sexual Abuse
Get Justice with a Fraternity Hazing and Sexual Abuse Lawyer from The Doan Law Firm
Despite the creation of policies in universities, colleges, and high schools, hazing remains a pervasive problem across the United States. Oftentimes, incidents of hazing go unreported, according to the fraternity hazing lawyer team at The Doan Law Firm. No type of hazing is more underreported than that involving sexual assault. The stark reality is that sexual assault occurs with alarming regularity as part of hazing “rituals.”
What is even more alarming is the fact that hazing and sexual abuse is not limited to college fraternities. Sexual assault and hazing extends to sororities and other types of college organizations. It also occurs in high school settings as well.
Addressing hazing and sexual abuse proves very challenging. There is a profound element of shame that hangs over victims of this type of hazing as well as their family members and other loved ones.
For this reason, when it comes to obtaining justice for this type of assault and violence, a victim must have powerful legal representation from a compassionate fraternity hazing lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm maintains a fraternity hazing hotline at (800) 349-0000 which is in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.
Hazing and Sexual Abuse in Colleges and Universities
Colleges and universities across the United States report two broad categories of hazing and sexual abuse. First, there are situations in which fraternity and sorority pledges, and incoming members of other organizations, are directly sexually assaulted in some manner by senior members. Second, there are other types of incidents in which a person like a fraternity pledge must engage in some sort of sexual activity with another person (typically a sorority pledge) as part of the hazing process.
A significant percentage of these types of cases are never reported. An attorney from The Doan Law Firm can discretely assist a victim in obtaining justice and accessing supportive services.
High School, Hazing, and Sexual Abuse
As mentioned previously, hazing and sexual abuse doesn’t only occur on the college and university level. Horrific cases of hazing and sexual abuse are occurring in high schools across the United States. A recent case involving hazing and sexual abuse on the high school level involved football players at a high school in Maryland.
The facts of this incident are difficult. They nonetheless are presented generally as means of letting other victims of high school hazing and sexual abuse, as well as their parents, know that they are not alone. Indeed, a fraternity hazing lawyer from your firm has the background and experience in representing high school students and their parents in cases involving hazing and sexual abuse.
Four junior varsity players at this high school were subjected to what evidently is an ongoing hazing practice in which younger players are sexually assaulted. Indeed, the four victimized players had heard rumors of something called “brooming.”
After a practice, the four victims were in the locker room, in or coming out of the shower. A group of older players entered the locker room, turned off the lights, and assaulted the quartet of junior varsity players. Specifically, the older players sexually assaulted two of the younger players with a broomstick and attempted the same violent act on the other two junior varsity team members.
As the facts associated with the case unfolded, the evidence revealed that this hazing practice had been perpetrated among the football players at the high school for years. Indeed, the boys who perpetrated the violent, sexual hazing incident evidently were victimized themselves.
Retain a Fraternity Hazing Lawyer from The Doan Law Firm
The Doan Law Firm is nationwide law firm, with offices located from coast to coast in the United States. In fact, we are the largest personal injury firm in the country. This means that we not only have assembled an incomparable team of hazing attorneys but our firm has access to an array of other resources that can be particularly helpful to victims of hazing sexual assault and their families. You can schedule an initial consultation any time of the day or night by calling (800) 349-0000.
The Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Guarantee
The Doan Law Firm makes a 100 percent attorney fee guarantee to our clients. Unless our firm obtains an insurance settlement of lawsuit judgment in your favor, you pay nothing in the way of attorney fees. If we don’t win for you, you pay nothing.

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