Motorcycle Accidents and Injury Laws
Accident Attorney Serving Nationwide
Nearly 440,000 motorcyclists are registered in the state. Imagine the breathtaking views of hills, lakes and open space. There is no better way to enjoy your free moments or gain quality thinking time than: riding through the rough country, shorelines, national parks, lakes, rivers and streets full of culture. Texas does not lack in fun and adventure; what better way to enjoy it than witnessing it as the breeze consumes you.
Safety is important; annual accidents result in deaths, incapacitating juries, non-incapacitating juries, possible injuries and no injuries. If you find yourself in an accident, please contact us. We will answer your questions and get our clients the help they need. Motorcyclists should arm themselves with the facts to understand how to protect themselves from injuries and accidents. Department of Transportation (TxDOT) gathers information on motorcycle injuries that provide insight into the specific needs for caution. In fact, death is higher in accidents where the motorcyclist is not wearing a helmet. Another interesting fact is that the majority of accidents occur on clear weather days. This is true for both urban and rural areas.
Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
There are many causes of motorcycle accidents in rural and urban areas. They include: animals on the road, drugs and alcohol usage, closely following other vehicles, speeding, lack of yielding, failing to obey traffic signals, improper backing up, unsafe lane changing, defective headlights, inattentive driver, driving too slow, fatigued drivers and driving the wrong way. Drivers should be aware that some causes are more likely to occur in rural areas versus urban areas. For instance, accidents caused by animals on the road are more likely to occur in rural areas. However, backing-up accidents are hardly seen in rural areas, yet significant in urban areas. Being aware of the specific risks in the area you drive can protect against accidents and injuries.
In Texas, all drivers are more likely to have accidents than most states. For motorcyclists, the likelihood of the accident being fatal is 35 percent higher. If this occurs, family and friends are left with questions. We are here to help. Our injury attorneys are experienced in providing legal help to victims and their families. We understand that a motorcycle accident may mean financial hardship, medical expenses, loss of work and the pain of losing a loved one. Dedicated attorneys will personally handle your case with a hands-on approach. Protecting our clients’ legal rights and working to quickly resolve your case is our goal.
Tips for Avoiding Accidents
Motorcycle safety is important and there are several actions drivers can take to decrease their risk of accidents.
Here are the top 5:
- Motorcycle Safety Class: Every motorist should take a motorcycle riding class. Many drivers learn to ride from family or friends. This can be dangerous; bad habits and improper usage may be passed down to the new driver. Using professional teachers can benefit a student and save a life. These teachers are not only teaching from their personal experience, but they provide insight from previous students, statistical data and motorcycle experts.
- Safety Gear: Stats prove that safety gear save lives and prevent injuries. Consider wearing safety gear.
- Other Cars: Unfortunately, motorcyclists must watch for potential accidents. Often, motor vehicles on the road will blame their blind spot for accidents with motorcycles. Scanning ahead and looking for signs of vehicles changing lanes can be a life saver.
- Speeding/Road Conditions: Take it slow when visiting new locations. Road conditions are not always favorable for motorcyclists. Things like sharp curves and pot holes can lead to accidents. Speeding can cause a driver to hit rough sections on the road without knowing it.
- Know Your Weakness: Let’s face it; motorcycles are not as visible as other vehicles. There are actions drivers can take to increase visibility. By installing loud pipes other motorists are likely to hear what they do not see. Also, motorcyclist should be aware of the other vehicles’ blind spots and avoid them.
Results of Motorcycle Accidents
Every motorcycle accident will result in one of the following outcomes: fatality, incapacitating injury, non-incapacitating injury, possible injury, no injury or unknown injury. According to the TxDOT, 463 fatalities resulted from motorcycle accidents in 2014. The following are injuries from motorcycle accidents in 2014: 2022 incapacitating injuries, 3586 non-incapacitating injuries, 2092 possible injuries, 1313 non-injuries and 169 unknown injuries. Looking at age, more accidents occurred to drivers and passengers 21 years of age. In fact, 20-33 year old have the highest number of accidents. Of course, these statistics are based on reported accidents. You can review the stats here.
Hiring an attorney would not only ensure your questions are answered, it will ensure you are reasonably compensated for your motorcycle’s damage and personal injuries. We understand how important replacing your damaged motorcycle is to you. Many times the motorcycle can be repaired; either way, we will assist you in getting back on the road. The negligence or reckless driving of a fellow driver does not have to end your cruising days. Through our understanding of Texas motorcycle laws, we will assist you in getting the justice you deserve.
After a Motorcycle Accident
An accident can bring about many concerns; contacting an attorney can smooth the process for a driver. In fact, many victims find themselves facing low compensation offers from insurance companies. This can be difficult to handle when you do not know your rights, your entitlement or Texas motorcycle laws. The laws in Texas for motorcyclists can be located here. Laws are continuously changing and staying updated can be difficult. For instance, the new Malorie law in Texas requires that passengers have something to hold onto. This is a law that was created to help prevent passenger fatality and injury during a motorcycle accident. Also, it is a measure of safety both drivers and passengers can take.
Often, motorcycle accident outcomes are more serious than other vehicle incidents. The cost of injuries and damages can be pricey; insurance companies are looking out for their pockets.
We will handle these difficult conversations for you. You are one consultation away from peace of mind. Contact us today!

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