When to Hire a Lawyer
Serving Motorcycle Accident Victims Nationwide
An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will let you know that accidents that involve multiple vehicles including the motorcycle aren’t usually the fault of the motorcyclist. If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident and the other driver is at fault for the accident, you’ll more than likely be entitled to compensation from either the individuals insurance company or the individual themselves.
If you’ve sustained severe injuries or your injuries will affect your ability to work and earn a living, you may be entitled for a larger settlement amount. The majority of insurance companies aren’t going to hand over any significant settlement amount without a fight first. If you’re uncertain as to whether or not the offer you’ve received is a fair one or if the driver at fault isn’t insured, you’ll want to seek a qualified motorcycle accident personal injury lawyer. You’ll want to ensure that they’re qualified specifically with motorcycle accident personal injury, not just a general accident or personal injury lawyer. This will help to ensure the settlement you get is fair.
If your motorcycle wasn’t damaged or you weren’t injured you’ll more than likely not have to hire a lawyer. You also won’t need a motorcycle accident lawyer if the amount of the insurance payout covered the entire cost of your:
- Bike Repairs
- Lost Wages
- Medical Bills
- Other Expenses Related To the Accident
If there are any doubts when it comes to your injuries and the true cost for compensation, or if you don’t know whether or not you’ve received a good settlement offer from the insurance company, you need to speak with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer right away. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will be able to help with the assessment of the offer from the insurance company (if applicable) and calculate the total actual cost of your injuries. Other than your contact information, don’t provide any other information to the insurance company prior to contacting an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer.
Although some motorcycle accident claims will involve product liability law, the majority of them will focus solely or mainly on personal injury law.
Some of the issues that are usually covered within a personal injury claim involving a motorcycle accident are:
- Insurance Provisions
- Who’s At Fault (Determination of Liability)
- Medical Expenses
- Compliance with Traffic and Registration Laws
Meeting With Your Lawyer
Prior to selecting a lawyer to represent your personal injury claim for your motorcycle accident, you’ll want to ensure you’ve asked your lawyer some very important questions, including:
- Have They Represented People with Motorcycle Accident Personal Injuries Before and How Often?
- What Are All the Possible Options and Outcomes for the Resolution of Your Case?
- How Long Should Your Case Take To Resolve and How Frequently Will You Receive Updates?
Answers to these questions and others are going to help you make the determination on whether or not you’ve found the right lawyer to handle your motorcycle accident personal injury claim. At the Doan Law Firm we’re experienced motorcycle accident personal injury attorney lawyers. Not only do we live and breathe motorcycle law but we’re motorcycle riders and enthusiasts as well.
After selecting your lawyer, you’ll want to begin the process of gathering all of the paperwork in order to prepare for meeting with your lawyer for the first time. If you’re sent a questionnaire by your lawyer, ensure that you’ve filled it out and brought it with you to that initial meeting.
Questionnaires will cover many topics that surround your case, including:
- Contact Information
- Personal Background
- Basic Information on Your Case
The other types of paperwork you should provide to your lawyer will include:
- Accident and/or Police Reports
- Medical Bills and Records
- A Written Statement on How Your Injuries Have Affected Your Personal and Work Life
- Names of People and/or Companies That Are Involved In Your Case, This Includes Potential Witnesses
- Insurance Coverage Information Along With Correspondence and Interactions with the Insurance Company/Companies
Essentially, the more information that you are able to provide and give to your lawyer, the better it’s going to be for the outcome of your case regardless of if it settles or goes to trial.
If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident you need and deserve representation. Contact The Doan Law Firm day or night, Christmas or 5am. Call today to speak with a personal injury motorcycle attorney now! (800) 349-0000

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