Truck Rollover Accident Attorney
About Truck Rollovers
Truck rollover accidents can be disastrous due to the sheer size and weight of the commercial truck. The main reason behind truck rollover has to do with the higher than normal center of gravity that trucks have due to their size. During an emergency maneuver such as swift lane change in order to avoid an accident, this high center of gravity may cause the truck to tip; the result may be the devastation of a truck rollover accident. Because of the velocity and weight of trucks, whether pickup or commercial, rollover accidents often result in catastrophic injury or wrongful death. Speak with a skilled Houston truck accident lawyer immediately following a truck rollover accident to ensure you are making the right legal decisions with regard to your claim for compensation for the damages suffered by you or your loved one.
Truck Rollover Accident Lawyer
Truck rollover accidents are very likely to result in serious injuries due to the nature of the accident. If the roof of the truck is not adequate to withstand the rollover, it can mean death or serious injury for the driver.
Common injuries for truck rollover accident victims include:
- Closed head injuries (sometimes fatal)
- Brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Quadriplegia
- Paraplegia
- Burns
- Crushed or fractured limbs
- Death
One unfortunate aspect of a truck rollover cases is that many individuals do not know that trucks are not required to meet all federal motor vehicle safety standards which passenger cars must meet. The background behind this situation is that they are not technically classed as passenger vehicles, even though one sees them being marketed this way every day to unknowing families. If defective design could be a factor in your truck rollover case, it is important to contact a Houston truck rollover attorney at The Doan Law Firm immediately so that you can be advised on how you can proceed in order to pursue full compensation for your injuries and other damages.
Contact a truck accident attorney from The Doan Law Firm today when seeking qualified legal representation regarding your truck rollover accident. Our firm is open 24/7 and we offer a free consultation. Call today at (800) 349-0000.

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