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Long Island Explosion Accident: Boiler Blasted through Wall into Room of Sleeping Children


During the night, a devastating Long Island explosion accident occurred, blasting a boiler through a wall into an adjacent room in which multiple children were sleeping. Information about the blast remains scanty as of mid-morning hours. What is known is that at least one adult and three children have been injured as the result of this powerful explosion.

At least one child was injured by flying debris. The specific medical status of the four injured individuals is now immediately known. None of them are said to be in a life-threatening or even critical condition, however. Firefighters who responded to the scene made it clear that they were truly surprised that no one was killed as the result of the powerful boiler explosion.

The Long Island boiler explosion accident happened in Medford in a multi-family structure. Not only was the blast so tremendous that it propelled the boiler itself into an adjoining section of the residential structure but it caused disruptions in neighboring residences. While New York is now known for earthquakes, neighbors described the impact of the explosion as being like that type of event. Neighbors reported furniture being shot about because of the explosion. At this time, damages to neighboring properties has yet to be accessed.

Damage to the multi-unit residential structure where the explosion occurred is significant. As of the morning after the Long Island boiler explosion accident, the property has been condemned. Although no specifics have been released in regard to the condemnation, the presumption is that the blast rendered the property permanently uninhabitable.

A total of six adults and four children are reported to have been living in the residential structure. The building was divided into four apartments, according to fire department officials. A question has been raised as to whether the use of the structure as multi-unit dwelling meets housing, fire, and zoning code regulations. Depending on that determination, the owner of the property could face sanctions from governmental authorities. The owner of the building has declined to comment publicly about the state of affairs at the property in the aftermath of the explosion

None of the injured individuals have been identified. In addition, no one residing in any if the apartment units in the structure have publicly commended about the incident. According to witnesses, everyone who had been living in the building has removed all of their belongings.

The Fire Marshal has been at the scene of the Long Island explosion accident. The focus of the investigation is on the boiler itself. Currently, the investigation is running along a number of specific courses:

  1. The Fire Marshal will ascertain whether there is a manufacturing or design defect associated with the boiler.
  2. The Fire Marshall is investigating whether the boiler has not been properly maintained and serviced.
  3. In addition, investigators are investigating whether the boiler was improperly used. A representative of the fire department suggested that the possibility exists that gasoline improperly had been added to the boiler rather than only suitable oil designed for that type of equipment.

No timeframe has been provided regarding when the Fire Marshal intended to wrap-up the investigation of the Long Island boiler explosion accident.

If you’ve been injured in an explosion accident, no matter the underlying cause, The Doan Law Firm can discuss your legal rights and options. This includes a situation in which you or a loved one were injured in a boiler explosion accident as a result of some sort of equipment defect or due to the failure of a responsible party (like a landlord) to maintain a boiler in proper condition and repair.

We maintain an around-the-clock phone line at (800) 349-0000. A nationwide law firm, we can arrange an initial consultation for you with an experienced explosion accident lawyer at any one of our 40 offices, including in New York. We can also schedule a virtual consultation for you online. There is never a change for a case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm explosion accident lawyer.

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee promise to you. We never charge a fee unless we win your case for you. Our firm is committed to fighting tirelessly to obtain justice for you.
