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Louisiana Oil Rig Explosion Rattles Residents for Miles, Kills One


A large Louisiana oil rig explosion occurred in the late afternoon in Beauregard Parish in the southwest region of the state. The oil rig explosion was so intense that it could be felt for miles around the location of the drill. One fatality has been reported as a result of this Louisiana oil rig explosion, a 14-year-old girl.

Little information is yet available in regard to the intense blast. Investigators are at the site of the drilling rig in question and have been working the scene since the explosion. A HAZMAT team is involved in the investigation of the aftermath of the Beauregard Parish explosion accident. Investigators at the scene of the blast have provided no information as to when they would know the origin and source of this Louisiana explosion accident.

A major question at this time is where was the 14-year-old girl at the time of the explosion accident? Her name has not yet been released to the media or the general public.

The possibility does exist that the teenager was near the oil rig at the time of the explosion. The prospect that she was near the oil well begs the question as to why she was at that location. No one else appears to have been at the scene of the oil rig explosion at the time of the incident.

Another possibility is that the deceased girl was at her home or another location at the time of the explosion. As has been noted, the blast could be felt for miles around. As a result, the likelihood that property damage occurred is a real possibility. Moreover, individuals in the impacted area could have been injured as a result of the explosion, including the fatally injured girl. More precise information about the Louisiana explosion accident is expected to be forthcoming shortly.

Firefighters were able to control and eliminate the fire in a fairly short period of time. The fire was not permitted to spread from beyond the immediate confines of the oil drilling rig. The extent of the damage at the site is still in the midst of being accessed.

A dark black plume of smoke rose rapidly from the explosion site, blowing across Beauregard Parish. Smoke plume of this nature, generated by oil rig explosions and similar types of events, are known to consist of at least some hazardous chemicals.

According to officials, the smoke plume dissipated in fairly short speed, a fact that permitted officials the ability to forgo any type of stay in place directive. The reality is that exposure to smoke plumes emanating from explosion accidents does have the potential of causing health issues. These include both short-time and more profound long-term ailments, conditions, and diseases.

Brenda Eddins, a resident who lives near the site of the oil rig explosion, described what she witnessed at the time of the blast. “(I saw) a big cloud of boiling oil smoke and fire. I was in my house and I heard a big boom and a second boom, and then my house shook and when my house shook.”

As was noted previously, information a about the specifics of the accident remains thin. This includes any information about the underlying case of the blast and resulting fire.

If you’ve been injured in an oil rig explosion, or some other type of explosion accident, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. If you’ve lost a loved one due to a fatal explosion accident, our team is also here to explain your legal rights.

Our firm can be reached around the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can reach us any time by calling (800) 349-0000.

A nationwide law firm, we can arrange an appointment for you with an explosion accident lawyer and any one of our 40 offices located from coast to coast. A virtual consultation can also be arranged with you online. There is never a charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm oil rig explosion lawyer.

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