The deadly Flint explosion accident of this week has yet again focused attention on decaying infrastructure and gas pipeline explosions. Before diving deeper into the matter of decaying infrastructure and gas pipeline explosions, at this time there has been no determination as to the underlying cause of the fatal Flint explosion accident that occurred earlier this week. With the recurring natural gas pipeline blasts seriously injuring and killing people across the country, examining facts and factors associated with decaying infrastructure and gas pipeline explosions is important.
Grim Statistics Regarding Natural Gas Pipeline Accidents
The basic statistics associated with natural gas pipeline accidents in the United States are grim. These include a significant number of natural gas accidents in the country in which decaying infrastructure played a role in a disaster.
Between January 2010 and November 2018 (almost nine years) the follow statistics pertaining to pipeline accidents were amassed. These included natural gas pipeline accidents in the United States. The National Resource Defense Council reports:
- During the nearly nine-year time period, more than 5,500 pipeline accidents or incidents occurred
- Of these pipeline accidents or incidents, nearly 300 involved natural gas pipeline explosions
- More than 800 fires resulted from pipeline accidents
- These pipeline accidents and injuries
- Approximately 600 people were injured in U.S. pipeline accident or incidents
- More the 125 people died in pipeline accident or incidents during the time period in question.
- About 30,000 people had to be evacuated as a result of pipeline accidents or incidents during the nine-year time period under examination
- On average, a pipeline catches fire every four days in the United States
- A pipeline explosion occurs approximately every 11 days
- A pipeline accident injury occurs about every five days
- A person dies in a pipeline accident approximately every 26 days
The vast majority of deaths, injuries, and other losses are associated with natural gas pipelines:
- Natural gas pipeline accident deaths – 73 percent
- Natural gas pipeline accident injuries – 79 percent
- Natural gas pipeline accident fires – 71 percent
- Natural gas pipeline accident explosions – 78 percent
- Natural gas pipeline accident evacuees – 62 percent
Protecting the Community
According to the National Resource Defense Council, there are tremendous shortcomings associated with natural gas pipelines beyond infrastructure issues. These include inadequate:
- Regulation
- Inspection
- Enforcement
It is important to note that some of the data included in this article may be significantly understated. This is the result of these significant shortcomings noted here. There is evidence that information pertaining to hundreds if not thousands of U.S. pipelines simply may not be available. In other words, the death and injury rate associated with pipeline accidents and incidents may be underrepresented.
Legal Rights After a Gas Pipeline Explosion
If you or a loved on have been injured in a natural gas pipeline explosion like what has occurred in Flint, Michigan, you need to be proactive in taking important steps to protect your legal interests. The first step to take to protect your legal right is to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced explosion accident lawyer, like a member of The Doan Law Firm legal team.
A nationwide law practice, The Doan Law Firm has a pair off offices located in close proximity to the tragic Flint explosion accident:
Ann Arbor:
2723 South State
Suite 150
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
(734) 992-0000
400 Renaissance Center
Suite 2600
Detroit, Michigan 48243
(313) 558-0000
Nationally, The Doan Law Firm has 40 offices located from coast to coast across the United States. We can schedule an initial consultation with an experienced explosion accident lawyer at any offices that is convenient for you. We can also arrange a consultation for an explosion accident victim at a home, hospital, or any other location that is convenient for a prospective client. We can also arrange a case evaluation with a seasoned, tenacious explosion accident lawyer online as well.
There is never an attorney fee charged for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm explosion accident lawyer. The Doan Law Firm never charges an attorney fee unless we when your case for you. Our firm is committed to fighting tirelessly to obtain justice in your case and the compensation you deserve.