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Hundreds Remain Displaced Following Dallas Apartment Complex Explosion


The Doan Law Firm opened its Dallas apartment complex explosion lawyer hotline at (214) 307-0000 a couple of days ago to provide injured and displaced people a reliable informational resource. Unfortunately, when it comes to the owners and managers of the apartment complex as well as investigators and governmental officials, little information is yet available on the cause and consequences of the devastating blast.

Eight People Injured in the Dallas Apartment Complex Explosion

We do know that eight people were hospitalized as a result of the Dallas apartment complex explosion. We also understand that four of the hospitalized blast victims were residents of the apartment community and the rest were firefighters.

Three of the four fire firefighters are in critical condition at the last report. One of the firefighting crew has been released from the hospital. The three firefighters in critical but stable condition are at Parkland Memorial Hospital.

The four apartment complex residents that were hospitalized have now been treated. They have all been released from the hospital, although none of them have been able to return home.

300 People Displaced as a Result of the Explosion

10 apartment units were directly impacted by the Dallas apartment complex explosion, being in the specific building where the blast occurred. With that said, other buildings in the complex are not accessible at this time.

Gas service to the entire complex has been deactivated and there is no indication when it will be restored. What was left of the building where the catastrophic explosion occurred was leveled following the blast.

Cause of the Dallas Apartment Complex Explosion

A simple phrase accurately sums up what investigators have announced regarding the cause of the terrifying blast at the apartment complex:

“We don’t know the cause.”

Some people involved in the cleanup associated with the explosion have been describing the event as a “freak accident.” Freak or not, the reality is that all accidents have some cause. The residents of the complex deserve to know the cause as does the rest of the public. This information is vital to protect the rights of the residents and to better ensure that this type of incident does not impact other Texans in the future. There has been no statement made by investigators regarding when the residents, firefighters, and others impacted by the disaster will have information about the cause.

Atmos Energy provides gas service to the area in which the explosion occurred, including the apartment complex. There are residents who indicate that they smelled gas before the blast. As of this time, Atmos Energy is claiming that their gas pipeline and associated systems were not involved in the explosion. The owners and managers of the apartment complex itself have released no information as to whether or not that company is somehow responsible for the life-altering explosion. Atmos evidently is involved in the investigation process in some manner.

Legal Rights Following the Dallas Apartment Complex Explosion

As mentioned before, The Doan Law Firm has set up a Dallas apartment complex explosion lawyer hotline at (214) 307-0000. We will keep this phone line staffed around the clock to assist the residents of the complex and others impacted by the blast.

Our Dallas apartment complex explosion lawyer team is available to meet with people impacted by the disaster. We can schedule a no-obligation and no-cost obligation at our offices located at

We can schedule an initial appointment with you at our offices. Our Dallas offices are located at:

The Doan Law Firm

2911 Turtle Creek Boulevard

Suite 300

Dallas, Texas (214) 307-0000

We can also arrange an appointment anywhere else that is convenient and accessible for you. A virtual appointment can be scheduled online as well.

In the aftermath of an explosion accident that devastated your home, you have more than enough to worry about than trying to figure out how you can pay a lawyer to protect you and your family. The Doan Law Firm uses what is known as a contingency fee agreement. As a result, our firm charges no money in your case unless we obtain a favorable settlement or judgment for you. Our firm will fight tirelessly to obtain justice and the compensation you deserve in your case.
