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Corpus Christi Apartment Complex Explosion Sends One Person to Hospital


A Corpus Christi apartment complex explosion has sent at least one person to a local medical center. Specifics about the injuries and condition of the injured individual have not been released. Little is known about the explosion at this point in time. The blast severely damaged the second story of the Chandler’s Mill Apartments, a complex located at 6300 block 0f Meadowvista Drive, which is at Holly and Airline Roads. The explosion resulted in a two-alarm fired that required over two hours to get under control.

Investigators have commenced the process to ascertain what caused the Corpus Christi apartment complex explosion. Early reports suggest that the blast was the result of work being done by contractors at the complex.

Two workers were involved in a project in a second-floor apartment at the complex. Specifically, these workers evidently were involved in the resurfacing of a bathtub in a specific apartment unit at Chandler’s Mill. Investigators speculate that the workers were using some type of lacquer, which can be an explosive chemical.

There is some information that the room in which the resurfacing was being undertaken lacked appropriate ventilation. As a result of the inadequate ventilation, fumes built up in the enclosed space. As of the day following the accident, no disclosure has been made as to whether the injured worker was employed directly by the apartment complex or by another company.

What is lacking at this time is any information about what ignited the chemical or chemicals in the first instance, resulting in the blast. “We don’t know exactly what sparked the explosion,” Corpus Christi Fire Department Battalion Chief Billy Belyeu advised the media.

While many specifics about the injuries sustained by the worker have not been released, what is known is that the man initially was taken by ambulance to Corpus Christi Medical Center Bay Area Hospital. Due to the evidently severe nature of his injuries, the worker was then airlifted to the Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio. He evidently has been admitted to the burn unit at Brook for intensive treatment.

The second worker at the apartment complex jobsite sustained no injuries. Moreover, it appears that no one else was injured in the blast. According to apartment complex management, most of the residents were at work at the time of the Corpus Christi apartment complex explosion.

Thankful that no one else appears to have been injured, damage to apartment units in the building is likely extensive. There is no data currently about the number of people who will be displaced as a result of the explosion. There is also no information about damage to neighboring properties because of the explosion.

The most commonplace types of explosion injuries include:

  • Burns
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Lung injury
  • Other internal injuries
  • Ear injury
  • Eye injury

Victims of explosion injuries can also suffer long-lasting emotional or psychological injuries. These include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD

If you’ve been injured or suffered damages and losses as a result of a Corpus Christi apartment complex explosion accident, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can schedule a consultation with a Corpus Christi apartment complex explosion accident lawyer by calling our firm at (361) 371-0000. You can connect with our firm 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, including all major holidays.

We can schedule an initial consultation with a Corpus Christi apartment complex attorney at our office, located at:

710 Buffalo

Suite 802

Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

(361) 371-0000

We can also arrange an appointment with an attorney at your home or any location that works for you. A virtual case evaluation can be scheduled online as well. There is no cost and no obligation for an initial consultation and case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm Corpus Christi apartment complex lawyer.

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee. Our firm will never charge an attorney fee unless we win your case for you.

The Doan Law Firm Corpus Christi apartment complex lawyer team is committed to fighting tirelessly on your behalf. We are committed to fighting for justice and the compensation explosion accident victims deserve in every case.