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Investigation Begins to Shed Light on Eagle, Wisconsin Industrial Explosion and Fire


An investigation is ongoing a few days following the catastrophic fire that destroyed the Summerset Marine Construction facility in Eagle Wisconsin. Many questions remain unanswered about the cause of the Eagle Wisconsin industrial fire as of Sunday following the May 19 fire that destroyed the industrial facility. Three workers at the plant were injured in the blast. In addition, a trio of firefighters also sustained injures while fighting the raging inferno. The entire Summerset Marine Construction facility was destroyed in the fire.

Despite many questions remaining unresolved, there are some areas in which investigators have made key determinations in regard to the Eagle Wisconsin industrial fire:

  • Fire came first
  • Fire appears to have started in welding area
  • Serious issues existed in regard to firefighting resources
  • Massive smoke plume believed free of toxins
  • Lack of fatalities is both a blessing and a surprise

Fire Came First

Oftentimes in the case of a catastrophic event similar to the Wisconsin industrial blast and blaze, an explosion occurs first which then precipitates a fire. A common example involves the explosion of some type of combustible material present in an industrial setting. Another common explosion and then fire scenario might involve a gas pipeline serving an industrial facility.

The preliminary investigation into the Wisconsin industrial accident at issue indicates that a fire started initially and before any explosion. Following the start of the fire, and within what appears to be a fairly short period of time, multiple explosions occurred at the Summerset Marine Construction facility.

Fire Seems to Have Started in Welding Area

Speaking of the fire that appears to have started in advance of the explosion or explosions at the Summerset Marine Construction facility, the blaze appears to have started in what is known as the welding area. Currently, no definitive information has been released by the company or investigators addressing precisely how a fire started in the welding area, only to spread swiftly through the industrial facility in Eagle, Wisconsin.

Serious Issues Existed with Resources to Fight Fire

The blaze likely could have been contained far sooner if certain serious deficiencies didn’t exist. It is these deficiencies that hampered by ability of firefighters to combat the blaze in an prompter and more effective manner.

The chief issue or deficiency associated with combating the Summerset Marine Construction facility fire centers on the lack of an accessible water sufficient to supply firefighters with what was needed to battle the blaze. There simple are not enough readily accessible fire hydrants in suitable close proximity to the Summerset Marine Construction facility.

Massive Smoke Plume Thought to be Free of Significantly Harmful Substances

Officials have again confirmed that the massive smoke plume that spread above and beyond the site of the Summerset Marine Construction facility industrial accident did not contain particularly harmful substances. Smoke is never a particularly safe substance. However, in this case, it did not include various toxins that many times are found in plumes that radiate from explosion and fire accidents.

Biggest Surprise: No One was Killed

There was a major surprise associated with the horrendous Summerset Marine Construction facility industrial accident. As of this time, no one has died as result of the fire and explosion. Six people were injured. These are three Summerset Marine Construction workers as well as three firefighters. However, none of these people suffered fatal injuries.

Your Legal Rights Following an Industrial Fire

If you or a loved one have been injured in an industrial accident, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here for you. You can reach a capable, dedicated, and experienced industrial accident lawyer by calling our firm any time of the day or night at (800) 349-0000.

We are a nationwide law firm. You can schedule an initial consultation at any one of our offices located across the country. These is no charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm industrial accident lawyer.

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