Loss of Hearing Lawyer
Helping Victims Nationwide
Hearing loss is a more frequent disability than is commonly believed. Over 28 million people in the United States are afflicted with loss of hearing. Roughly thirty percent of all those aged sixty-five to seventy-four will experience some form of loss of hearing. There are different factors involved in loss of hearing, coming from a variety of sources. When hearing loss is sudden, it may involve an accident such as a car accident. In a case where negligence is suspect, it is imperative to contact a catastrophic injury attorney. Leave the legalities to loss of hearing attorney at The Doan Law Firm so you can be assured that your best interests are protected.
Loss of Hearing Cases
Loss of hearing is considered a catastrophic injury, as even loss of hearing in one ear can dramatically change a person's quality of life. A person with hearing loss may not get the same treatment by employers and a person with normal hearing may be chosen for a job over a person with loss of hearing in today's competitive business economy.
Medical procedures are now available which may improve your ability to hear, however, these procedures can be extremely costly. A claim made for a Houston catastrophic injury such as hearing loss, should encompass compensation to cover these expenses. Your hearing is not something you can put a price on, and even a monetary settlement will never truly balance a case of total or partial hearing loss.
If you have suffered from an accident, or possible malpractice and you believe your hearing loss may be due to the negligence of another party, you have a right to legal representation. A hearing loss attorney at our firm is ready to assist in all loss of hearing cases. Act quickly as such cases require documentation. As time passes it can be more difficult to gather the evidence in your case, and you have a specific time window under Texas law in which to act.
Contact a loss of hearing attorney from The Doan Law Firm immediately if you believe you may be a victim of negligence that resulted in loss of hearing. We are conveniently open 24/7 and offer a free consultation. Call us today at (800) 349-0000.

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