Paralysis Lawyer
Serving Injury Victims Nationwide
Paralysis can result from an array of catastrophic injuries, including spinal cord injury. The most common cause of spinal cord injury is motor vehicle accidents, however, spinal cord injury and thus paralysis can occur in a number of ways. Paralysis can refer to paraplegia or quadriplegia, or lesser forms of paralysis in which some motion is still possible in the affected area of the body.
The first term, paraplegia refers to loss of sensory or motor skills in the lower extremities. Quadriplegia is a condition where the paralysis is present in all four limbs. If you are in the Houston area and feel you are a victim of negligence or malpractice which resulted in paralysis, it is extremely important that you get sound legal advice from a Houston catastrophic injury attorney today.
Paralysis Attorney
The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation reported that almost one in every fifty Americans (about six million Americans) is suffering from some form of paralysis. Losing one's independence along with one's sensory and motor skills is traumatic and difficult. The complications of paralysis can reduce life span, inflict urinary and bowel problems, cause damage to the respiratory system and leave the victim in chronic pain, among other serious symptoms including wrongful death.
This catastrophic injury, when it has been caused by the negligence, recklessness or dangerous act of another deserves a strong paralysis attorney from The Doan Law Firm. We have a reputation for fighting aggressively on behalf of our personal injury clients, and relentlessly pursuing fair compensation for damages done.
Contact a paralysis attorney from The Doan Law Firm regarding your paralysis injury case today. For a free consultation call the firm at (800) 349-0000. We are open 24/7!

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