Drunk Driving Accidents
Serving Accident Victims Nationwide
Injured by a Drunk Driver?
With all the problems that come with growth, including drunk drivers on the highways and streets, creating a dangerous hazard for other drivers on the road. When one of these irresponsible drivers causes an accident and injuries are the result, it requires the assistance of a lawyer at once. These accidents are often extremely deadly, as the intoxicated driver could be driving at a high rate of speed, going the wrong way on a highway, or wildly changing lanes, any of which can cause dangerous or fatal injury accidents.
Am I Entitled to Compensation?
At The Doan Law Firm, our attorney takes these cases personally. Any negligent or reckless action that results in injuries must be addressed legally and a recovery of compensation for damages should be sought relentlessly. The victim in such a case is often seriously injured. Some cases involving drunk driving accidents have left the victim in a serious physical condition that is life-threatening, life-changing (such as paralysis) or disfiguring. These cases are extremely tragic and the costs of the medical care is going to be astronomical, often into the millions of dollars, just to provide some level of quality of life to the injured. In some tragic cases, the injured victim may be in a coma or vegetative state and require medical and nursing care for the rest of their lives.
Other cases may not have such tragic consequences and may include injuries and property damages that are less severe. No matter what the case, it is crucial that you have strong legal representation to deal with the insurance claim. Many have accepted settlements that are far lower than they would have gotten had they been represented by a skilled personal injury lawyer from The Doan Law Firm. A full analysis of your case can help to determine what to expect and how to move forward in seeking your claim for compensation.
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