Reckless Driving Accident Lawyer
Serving Accident Victims Nationwide
Injured in an Accident at the Hands of a Reckless Driver?
Unfortunately, the Houston area has its share of drunk, reckless, and negligent drivers. More and more individuals are getting involved in car accidents due to mobile phone use and texting while driving. No matter what the legal deterrent to the actions are, some irresponsible drivers continue to endanger the lives of innocent drivers around them through negligent driving conduct. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in which the at-fault driver was intoxicated, it is critical that you contact a personal injury lawyer. At The Doan Law Firm, our firm is prepared to fight aggressively on behalf of our clients who have suffered injuries and other damages in car accident cases in our area.
Dedicated Car Accident Lawyer
Dealing with serious injuries is frightening and emotional for the victim and their families, and some life-threatening injuries may take years to resolve. Some may destroy the future of the badly injured person, such as in cases of a long-term coma or a vegetative state. Others may be merely a serious case of whiplash or a concussion. Even a case of whiplash can create pain, numbness, headaches and other symptoms for months. This can affect your ability to work and destroy your enjoyment of life, sometimes needing requiring pain medications and other treatments just to make it through the day.
Concussions or mild traumatic brain injuries can result in ongoing symptoms that doctors have a difficult time predicting the resolution of the problem, and recovery times vary widely. Pain, headache, and even emotional issues can result from a mild concussion. When these injuries are the direct result of a drunk driver, then you are entitled to take legal action and pursue your case in court. Not only are you entitled to compensation to cover the medical and emotional damages that were incurred during your accident, you are also entitled to hold the responsible party liable for their reckless behaviors.
It is absolutely vital that you get the medical care you need after any car accident injury, particularly one that was caused by an intoxicated driver. Your claim for compensation can allow you the time and money to recover. At The Doan Law Firm, we are prepared to fight hard on behalf of the injured and will review and evaluate your case to determine how to move forward with your legal claim for compensation for the damages you have suffered.
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